As a business with nationwide capabilities, we’re keen to support a UK charity, preferably one with a presence near our various offices so we can have a direct impact on our local communities.
Our charity for 2021, the nationwide food bank charity the Trussell Trust, is doing vital work that we want to be a part of. With their ultimate vision to end the need for food banks in the UK, they support a nationwide network of food banks and together provide emergency food and support to people locked in poverty.
Their work is crucial at this time, with more than 14 million people in the UK living in poverty – including 4.5 million children. During the pandemic, the Trussell Trust has seen an unprecedented increase in need; a 47% increase between April and September 2020 compared to a 23% increase in 2019.
Fundraising in action
To kick-off support for the Trussell Trust, we donated funds to them on the launch of Thursday’s #clapforheroes. Since then, we’ve been donating funds or treats to worthy causes or teams of heroes to show our appreciation for their work.
We’re also rolling out an initiative on our service desk. Whenever a customer completes a feedback survey after a support ticket is resolved, we donate £5 to the Trussell Trust. If you’re a Node4 customer, this means not only do you provide us with valuable feedback, but you also get to play a part in supporting the work of the Trussell Trust.
Over the next year, we’ll be taking part in further fundraising, awareness-raising and volunteering activities. From fitness challenges to donating supplies to local food banks, we’re aiming to raise enough funds and give our time to really make a difference to this important cause!
The Trussell Trust is one of a long line of charities that Node4 has supported over the years. Recent annual charities include the male cancer charity, Orchid, and Rainbows Hospice for Children and Young People. Our partnerships have seen us engage in various fundraising activities, from the Derby 10k to a sponsored skydive, to dragon boat racing.

Node4 Walks Over 3,000 Miles for Fitness and Fundraising Challenge

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